School Code: 43205

Affiliation No: 630215

Academic Features

    Teaching being carried out through latest teaching aids and techniques, e.g. computer models, experiment, practical demonstrations etc.
    Special attention is being paid to each student and diagnostic teaching methods will be applied in order to find the real cause of a problem in studies by psycho friendly learning methods
    Detailed performance of the students is communicated to the parents at the end of every 40 days.
    No extra tuition classes needed by the students as the school takes care of the weak students and cater their needs through extra classes. If all the students require extra guidance the school will arrange extra classes without any additional charges and to evaluate the students for such need, School will follow the multi dimensional feed back system.
    Career counselling and coaching for various competitive exams i.e. NDA, PMT, AFMC, AIEEE, IIT, CLAT, BANK EXAMS and various commerce stream entrance examinations coaching and preliminary guidance from various administrative services is being conducted regularly as and when required by the students.
    Pre-coaching to IX & X class students will be provided on the regular basis in the class without any extra charges.
    To inculcate all round skills & development in subjects, objective techniques encompassing latest methodology and innovations are implemented.

    We always focus on below given areas of learning for holistic growth of our students:

      Internet applications and various computer languages.
      English speaking and writing with grammar focus.
      Personality Development.
      Holistic Healing
      Discussion on current affairs to sharpen analytical reasoning.
      Yoga & Aerobic sessions for physical and mental development.
      Magical Mathematical ability.
      Environmental and hygienic awareness.
      Discussion on practical general science and model making. During the academic session students of +2 class are expected to accompany educational tour with the consent of their parents to provide them with an exposure to different learning experiences.
      During the academic session students of +2 class are expected to accompany educational tour with the consent of their parents to provide them with an exposure to different learning experiences.
      Unique Play way Methodology Right ideas and ethics can be fostered at the right age and this foundation makes a great difference. Congenial environment and proper guidance is needed throughout one's schooling. Cultivation of good manners, etiquettes and good habits enables a child to excel in every sphere of personality building. Crescent has been a school with a different vision since its establishment. It has been making all possible efforts to hone up the skills of the children. Its motto is to blend traditional education with the modern trends of education. We feel proud to assert that our school has tied up with INTELLSIS to make tiny tots study without being overburdened. This programme is devised keeping in view the psychology of a child. It helps tiny tots to enjoy their childhood while learning.
      Salient Features of Corel KG Programme
      The child-centered kindergarten is not new; it has its roots in the 19th Century. At that time, kindergarten was environed as a Garden for the child (the literal meaning of the German word kindergarten), a place where children could be nurtured and allowed to grow at their own pace. A child has to build skills in six different areas of development. These development areas are:
      Physical and Motor Skills.
      Cognitive Development.
      Environmental Studies.
      Socio-Emotional Development.
      Creative Development.
      Yoga & Aerobic sessions for physical and mental fitness.
    Language Development KG Pro is an exceptional education programme that introduces academics through activities which not only invigorate the mind of a child, but also boosts independence, confidence and self-esteem. The KG Pro system enables children to capture their imagination, and offers them a learning environment where they can make discoveries, solve problems and think independently and out of the box. It is a core belief that a single method of instruction is not all comprehensive. Hence, both the methods i.e.;-traditional and progressive methods of instruction are used; to develop a well rounded curriculum that encourages social, academic and emotional growth of the child.

Some of the features are:

    Integrated, Cohesive and systematic plan for all the three years of kindergarten.
    Lighter School Bags-happy children! Happy Parents!
    Project Based Method
    Montessori Method.
    Multiple Intelligence Method.

    The facilities we offer and the Methodology we follow:

    Teaching Methods as per Global Standards & Curriculum.
    Individualized Attention.
    15:1 Student Teacher ratio.
    Standardised system which helps a student to learn without being burdened.
    Curious nature of students is encouraged and the best way to learn is to be inquisitive.