School Code: 43205

Affiliation No: 630215

The Crescent Learning Programme

  • Leadership Case Studies:- Students use leadership case studies to analyse and reach conclusions based on the facts, conflicting goals/values and the impact on people and organisations. Case studies are the preferred way of teaching-learning in all business schools.
  • Performing Arts A Recent research shows that study in music improves test scores in spatial temporal reasoning in young adults. We have included a musical play performance in the programme. As students perform, we encourage them to be imaginative and take risks.
  • Communication Skills Communication is an important leadership skill. We have developed a rigorous curriculum that trains participants in writing, speech, body language and presentation skills. We have also included famous speeches from well-known leaders to ensure that participants are able to analyse both content and style.
  • Soft Skills This section introduces participants to behavioral skills through experiential games and role plays that will aid them at school and work. Soft Skills help students deal with and react positively to diverse environments, situations and people.
  • Adventure Sports Crescent Public School has taken the initiative by introducing adventure sports to encourage our students to explore and venture the nature. This program uses Adventure Sports like river rafting, rock climbing, rappelling and hiking to test the participants endurance, strength, leadership and team work.
  • Extra Curricular activities:- Parents are apprised of their wards performance, conduct & progress from time to time. Parents can have access to the hostel wardens any time of the day. Timings for parents to contact their wards on telephone are however fixed.