School Code: 43205

Affiliation No: 630215

Our Alumni

  • Alumni forms a vital part of a school's tradition, prominence and greatness. It is important for old students to keep in touch. The value and evolution of an institution largely depends on the success of its Alumni, their continued interaction, successful bonding and appreciation of their wonderful Alma Mater. Therefore we always strive to encourage the former students to work together with the School to establish and maintain the culture of school through their interactions and alumni network. We are always enthusiastic to keep our alumni up to date and involved with us and look forward to learn and share their personal and professional achievements and enrichment with their Alma Mater. Our Annual Alumni meets are it's best example.

  • Vision

    To draw on and apply the experience of our Alumni to maximize talents, knowledge and skills of our present students.
  • To offer effective communication channels and keep our Alumni up to date about the School's activities and achievements.
  • To track and showcase the personal growth and professional achievements of all "Old Grovians".
  • To connect and engage the Alumni with the School and to encourage them to maintain a high sense of belonging for each other and their Alma Mater.
  • To connect and engage the Alumni with the School and to encourage them to maintain a high sense of belonging for each other and their Alma Mater.
  • Avni Sharma

    All India Rank 112 in NDA

    Varun Patiyal

    (NIT Hamirpur)

    Piyush Goel

    (MBBS,YSPGMC Nahan)