Students are made aware of various careers formally through guidance programmes from Grade 9 onwards. Annual Career Guidance programmes are held for Grade 10 to 12 whereby psychometric tests, group interactions, one on one counseling and seminars of studies in India and abroad, preparation for competitive exams, are held. Career Counsellors are available for interaction with parents and students during the annual school Founders. Regular information to students is provided regarding colleges, admission requirements, documents needed and deadlines. Resource persons from Universities both in India and abroad are invited to interact with the students. The students are guided to fill various forms such as Common Applications, J.E.E., etc. Notifications regarding careers, upcoming admissions are regularly put up on the Career Counseling Board and are also sent to students of Grade 12.In addition, throughout the year students are provided with career information as and when needed by them. Clarifying, disseminating career information inculcates the spirit of exploring, curiosity, clarifying and decision making thereby enabling the students to focus, be goal oriented and aspire to reach their target.
Every year a Career Counselling Programme is conducted by the institute of repute for Career Studies for class X, XI and XII students. Aptitude identification exercises, interactive sessions, one on one interactive session with a career counsellor are held. The students are given a login ID on the institute s website whereby they can log in for any information that they might need.
The Career Counselling notice board puts up the latest information on Careers, admissions (for both Indian and foreign universities).
Career information, deadlines, availability of online forms, filling up and mailing is now being done by the counseling office.