The pastoral life in the school revolves around the House system. Every student is assigned to a House on joining the school. Each House fitted with all-weather AC has its own independent living space supervised by a Housemaster, usually a senior faculty member. The Housemaster is assisted by a Resident tutor, matron and a group of tutors working around the clock. The Housemaster being in charge of the house oversees the all-round development of the student. He is the first port of call for parents of that particular House.
Each student is assigned to a House tutor, who acts as a local parent as well as the tutor. As a tutor, he/she is responsible for the students’ achievement in academics, sports or activities or any other co- curricular activity. For almost anything the tutor is the first point of contact for the student. The student gets to interact formally with his tutor twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday as well as during meals. It is compulsory for each tutor to take his group out for a night out as well as a day outing each term. This helps in creating a strong bond within the tutorial group.
At CRESCENT students are encouraged to lead and shoulder responsibilities as well as develop a healthy competition among themselves. Inter – House competitions in sports and other activities are an important part of this learning process. The House Captain and House Vice – Captain helps the Housemaster in running the House smoothly. Every House has a House Council headed by Housemasters to look into the affairs of the House. They take important decisions including awarding of House Colours to students who have contributed significantly to the success of the House in the academic year.