"Teachers, like candles, consume themselves to light another’s path” The credentials of our teachers speak volumes of their exceptional dynamism and the passion they have for their métier. This ‘passion’ continues to pass the legacy of knowledge, wisdom and virtues to our posterity. Teachers transform ‘learners’ into ‘wizards’ who render valuable contribution to humanity, at large and we, at Crescent Public School, believe in producing ‘humane’ beings who ensemble the qualities of head and heart and stand as ‘ beacon of light’ as we firmly believe “It is better to light a candle, than curse the dark”. Our teachers not only excel in their respective fields of learning but are also well-versed with the contemporary teaching strategies. The teaching methodology is student- oriented and focus is laid on personality development. Our teachers embody ‘dedication’, ‘devotion’, ‘wisdom’, and a ‘zeal’ par excellence to dispel the darkness of ignorance with the light of knowledge.